Neuropsychology Lab
(only since 2015 shown)
* = lab trainee
Rossit, S., Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H*. & Knights, E.*. (2018). Hand-selective areas of both dorsal and ventral visual streams represent how to appropriately grasp 3D tools. Talk at British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience, Glasgow, UK.
Rossit, S., Biggart, L., Pomeroy, V. & Morse, H.* (2018). Developing portable and home-based tools for assessment and rehabilitation for spatial neglect. Organization for Psychological Research into Stroke (OPSYRIS) annual meeting, Glasgow, UK.
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H*. & Rossit, S. (2018). Hand-selective areas of both dorsal and ventral visual streams represent how to appropriately grasp 3D tools. Talk at Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA.
Rossit, S., Tonin, D.* & Smith, F.W (2018). Decoding identity and action properties of tools for viewing and pantomiming. Poster at Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, FL, USA. [Journal of Vision, 18, 426]
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H.* & Rossit, S. (2018). Decoding typical (but not atypical) actions with real tools from both dorsal and ventral visual stream regions. Talk at Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, FL, USA. [Journal of Vision, 18, 180]
Tonin, D.*, Pawling, R., Leyden, K.*, Smith, F.W. & Rossit, S. (2018). Tool identity and subsequent use affects the kinematics of grasping movements. Poster at Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, FL, USA. [Journal of Vision, 18, 1265]
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H*. & Rossit, S. (2018). Decoding typicality with real tools from both dorsal and ventral visual streams. Talk at The Multifaceted Body: Updates into Body Representation and Embodiment Workshop, Heriot Watt University, Scotland.
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H.* & Rossit, S. (2018). Decoding typicality with real tools from both dorsal and ventral visual streams. Talk at Concepts, Actions & Objects Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H.* & Rossit, S. (2018). Decoding typicality with real tools from both dorsal and ventral visual streams. Abstract at BIAL Foundation Symposium "Behind and Beyond the Brain", Porto, Portugal.
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H. * & Rossit, S. (2017). Cortical representations of typical tool actions. Poster at British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Scientific Meeting, University of Plymouth, UK.
Tonin, D.*, Romei, V., Lambert, R. *, Bester, A., Saada, J., Rossit, S. (2017) The causal role of the lateral occipital (LO) cortex and anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) in real and pantomimed grasping: an fMRI-guided TMS study. Talk at Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, FL, USA. [Journal of Vision, 17, 14]
Knights, E.*, Smith, F.W., Mansfield, C.*, Tonin, D.*, Weaver, H.* & Rossit, S. (2017). Cortical representations of typical tool actions. Poster at Novelty, Repetition & the Brain Conference, University of East Anglia, UK.
Campbell, J. *, Heath, M. & Rossit, S. (2017). Binocular Reaching in Upper and Lower Visual Fields. Poster at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Florida, US. [Journal of Vision, 17, 14]
Tonin, D.*, Romei V., Lambert, R. *, Bester, A., Saada, J. & Rossit, S. (2017). The effects of TMS over the lateral occipital (LO) and anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) on real and pantomimed grasping. Talk at Concepts, Actions & Objects Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.
Rossit, S., Tonin, D.* & Smith, F.W (2017). Cortical representations of tool-identity and tool-action properties during viewing and pantomiming. Poster at Concepts, Actions & Objects Workshop, Rovereto, Italy.
Knights, E.* & Rossit, S. (2017). Are visuomotor abilities spared in visual neglect? A single case study on peripheral pointing. Poster at Human Action Control Workshop, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Tonin, D.*, Romei V., Lambert R.*, Bester, A., Saada, J. & Rossit, S. (2017). The causal role of the lateral occipital (LO) cortex and anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) for real and pantomime grasping: an fMRI-guided TMS study. Poster at Human Action Control Workshop, University of Tübingen, Germany.
Tonin, D.*, Knights, E.* & Rossit, S. (2015) Does experience shape the lower visual field advantage for action? Poster at the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Essex, UK.
Knights, E.*, Bultitude, J. & Rossit, S. (2015). Prism adaptation effects are not limited to dorsal visual processing: evidence from pro-pointing and anti-pointing. Poster presented at the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Essex, UK.
Tonin, D.*, Knights, E.* & Rossit, S. (2015). Does experience shape the lower visual field advantage for action? Talk at the European Conference for Visual Perception, Liverpool, UK. [Abstract published in Perception, 44, 187]
Rossit, S. (2015). Removing binocular cues disrupts the lower visual field advantage for grasping but obeys Weber's law. Poster at the European Conference for Visual Perception, Liverpool, UK. [Abstract published in Perception, 44, 212-213]
Smith, FW. & Rossit, S. (2015). Detection and Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions in Peripheral Vision. Poster at the European Conference for Visual Perception, Liverpool, UK. [Abstract published in Perception, 44, 58-59]
Fernandez-Espejo, D., Rossit S., Owen A.M. (2015). Motor imagery in the absence of external motor behaviour in the Vegetative State. Poster at the 25th Annual Rotman Research Institute Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Invited talks
July 2019: Developing portable and home-based tools for assessment and rehabilitation of spatial neglect. Welsh Stroke Conference, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
May 2019: Translating cognitive neuroscience into neuropsychological rehabilitation – the case of spatial neglect. Imperial College London, London, UK
Feb 2019: Believing what you feel: using action to improve spatial neglect recovery post-stroke. Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK
Nov 2018: Believing what you feel: how action and VR can be used to reduce spatial neglect. Oliver Zangwill Centre, Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, Ely, UK.
Nov 2018: Believing what you feel: how action and VR can be used to reduce spatial neglect. Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust, Norwich, UK.
May 2018: Action representations in dorsal and ventral visual areas. Invited reaction from the day - how would that work? EFT 2018, Multi-disciplinary developmental dynamics, Norwich (UK).
Aug 2017: Attention in action: evidence from bimanual actions in neglect and extinction. European Conference of Visual Perception Symposium: ‘Sensorimotor dysfunction in neurological disease’. Berlin (Germany).
Aug 2017: The causal role of LO and aIPS in real and pantomimed grasping: an fMRI-guided TMS study. European Conference of Visual Perception Controversy symposium: ‘The two-visual-systems hypothesis: A critical appraisal and update’. Berlin (Germany).
May 2017: Multiple neural routes in the human brain? Psychology External Speaker Seminars, Bangor University (UK).
May 2017: Multiple neural routes in the human brain? Psychology External Speaker Seminars, University of Trento (Italy).
Sep 2015: Impaired peripheral reaching and on-line corrections in patient DF: optic ataxia in visual form agnosia? British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting Symposium ‘Recent advances in the neuropsychology and neurophysiology of sensorimotor control’. Essex (UK).