Neuropsychology Lab
UEA and Neurolab hosting OPSYRIS Annual meeting
We are excited to be hosting this years OPSYRIS meeting at UEA.
The programme for the meeting is now available on the website:
There is still time to buy your in person or remote attendance tickets at
It's going to be a great day of presentations and discussions!
Nature highlights our fMRI study published in Journal of Neuroscience!
Stephanie publishes an article in The Conversation UK
Neurolab raises over £900 for Alzheimer’s Research UK
During Summer 2020, Stephanie Rossit, Helen Morse, Annie Warman, and Alex Mitchell put on their trainers and ran, jogged and walked to raise money for Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Inspired by the lab’s recent work with people with Alzheimer’s Disease and the devastating effect of the pandemic on funding for charities, the team pledged to run 500km over 10 weeks and raise £500. We smashed our initial target, covering over 800km, and raised a total of £901.83 for vital dementia research.
Well done team and thank you to everyone who donated!
BBC news covered our research on stroke rehabilitation
Visuomotor Feedback Training Rated High Quality
Our trial testing efficacy of Visuomotor feedback training for spatial neglect rehab post-stroke was rated high quality amongst 45 studies and showed ‘large effect sizes in both mental function and, activity.’
Centre for Vision Research Summer School
Courtney Mansfield has been accepted into the CVR summer school at the University of York in Toronto, Canada. The program involves talks on a variety of vision science research topics as well as hands on experience in the CVR labs.
Abstract Award & Talk at CAOs
Ethan Knights received an award for his abstract about his PhD research and presented at Concepts, Actions & Objects workshop 2018 at Rovereto in Italy.
Funding Secured
Funding secured from British Academy with Dr Fraser Smith (PI) for investigating ‘Does predictive coding explain multisensory processing in primary somatosensory cortex?’
Vision Sciences Society Meeting 2018
The lab will be attending the Vision Sciences Society this year with one talk and two poster presentations. Stephanie excited to chair a talk session at VSS – come and meet us.
Proof of Concept Funding Secured 2017
Funding secured from UEA Innovation Proof of concept funding to work with the Virtual Reality company Evolve and Prof. Valerie Pomeroy (UEA) to develop novel tools for diagnosis and rehab of neglect.
Study Leave 2018
Stephanie is excited she will be going on study leave (sabbatical) from 1st July.
Invited talk at Research Workshop: The multi-faceted body: Updates into body representation and embodiment.
Ethan Knights has been invited to give a talk at the EPS workshop at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 29 June 2018. Register to attend for free.
2018 Vision Sciences Society Student Travel Awards
Ethan Knights received a travel award to give a talk at this year's annual meeting.
Travel Award at CAOs 2018
Congratulations to Ethan Knights for receiving a travel award to present work at the Concepts, Actions & Objects workshop in Rovereto, Italy.
Symposia Talk accepted for ECVP 2017
Dr. Stephanie Rossit will be speaking about the relationship between attention and action at the symposia ‘From Vision to Action:
Sensorimotor Dysfunction in Neurological Disease organized by Miriam Spering & Jutta Billinoat in Berlin in August.
2017 Vision Sciences Society
Diana Tonin described her latest fMRI guided TMS research at VSS.
2017 Vision Sciences Society Student Travel
Diana Tonin awarded one of ten travel awards to give a talk at this years annual meeting.
CAOs Abstract Award 2017
Congratulations to Diana Tonin whose abstract for the 2017 Roverto CAOs workshop has received a high rating and earned her an award for the presentation in May.
Perception & Action Podcast
Hear an interview with Dr. Stephanie Rossit on how the brain supports perception & action where she discusses perceptual and action related deficits in visual neglect, brain areas associated with online and offline control of action, her recent work with patient DF that challenges some well know previous findings, and her research examining ways to rehabilitate neglect patients.
Pint of Science Confirmed Talk
Dr. Stephanie Rossit will be giving a talk entitled “Learning to see again after brain Injury” on May 15th at the Pint of Science, Nimble Neurons event in Café Britannia Guildhall, Norwich.
Real Action fMRI Data Collected at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital
fMRI data successfully acquired by our team at the NHS site with thanks to the Radiography team at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital.