Neuropsychology Lab
We use a variety of methods to study the role of sensory information for perception and motor control and how these two processes interact. You can find a copy of our lab guide here.
For example, within the School of Psychology, we have access to the following equipment:

Motion-Tracking System (Qualisys)
Using Infrared emitting diode markers attached to the body, the motion tracking camera system is able to record movements from any part of the body with high precision.

PLATO Visual Occlusion Spectacles
To control stimulus presentation at the millisecond level, the lenses of PLATO goggles are programmed to switch between occlusion and vision.

Grasping/Reaching Behavioral Apparatus
In the lab we have developed a specialized apparatus table for reaching and grasping experiments in horizontal and vertical orientation. Within this apparatus we have LEDs a response button and as a slot for placing 3D objects. The PLATO goggles, the motion-tracking cameras and this apparatus are all be controlled via a trigger box (containing an I/O card which receives triggers from Matlab).

Prism Adaptation Goggles
Goggles with prism lenses that displace what the viewer sees to one side of space are used to investigate how the brain adapts to unexpected sensory changes.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The lab has links with scanners at Maastricht, Netherlands and at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital, UK. Using a MRI-compatible turntable, we are one of the few labs in the world currently that can measure brain activation whilst humans interact with real 3D objects.

Neuropsychological Testing
In the lab we have a large number of neuropsychological tests (e.g., BIT, Balloons, WAIS) and laptops for patient testing. In addition we can recruit large number of neurological patients for our studies via the research links established by Dr. Rossit and clinicians at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and several other clinical sites in Norwich and other cities in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a non-invasive method used to investigate causal relationship between brain and behaviour. In the lab we have access to a Magstim Rapid2 system, that can run a variety o TMS protocols including single pulse, paired-pulse and repetitive trains. Moreover, a BrainSight frameless stereotactic system can be used for accurate stimulation targeting and online monitoring of coil placement during the stimulation.

Electromyography (EMG) is a technique that measures the electrical activity of skeletal muscles by means of electrodes placed on the skin. EMG can be used to detect small muscle movements with high precision.